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This promiscuous whore had a massive knife, in this case tragically because it's his own knife, plunged into him, pushed into his beautiful belly. Entering his perfect gay body through his navel. Once inside him, the knife blade was driven upwards lifting him off his sexy feet, pushed and plunged deeper into him, and then twisted and twisted and twisted inside him, destroying all his delicate innards. Causing death quickly. The sexiest part which must be masturbated to is his end, it's so glorious to be able to enjoy watching life escape him so erotically, we can see how his sexy left foot kicks and kicks like a queer as his gay guts fail, his sexy left foot shakes and shudders for us as his tremendous buttocks tremble and tighten for the camera as he ejaculates into his tiny tanga cumming one last time before dying like a whore. If you live like a whore, you will die like a whore.